
Monitor and visualize movements of virtual prayer wheel with dizmo

This project was triggered by Xaver Inglin, one of our Kickstarter Backers, who has built a ‘Prayer Wheel’ and equipped it with the WunderBar-Kit created by relayr. The main objective was to then monitor the movement of the real prayer wheel and to visualize the movements by spinning a virtual prayer wheel in dizmoViewer accordingly. […]

How to write a to-do dizmo with backbone.js

In the first part of our tutorial series we built a basic to-do dizmo, using the dizmoElements library. Now, as promised, we will build a to-do dizmo using the Backbone.js library. The Backbone.js project is useful for keeping the JavaScript Code of your dizmos well organized, so it’s easier to further develop and maintain. You can […]

Evernote, the Future of Computers and Dizmo

A few weeks ago the Swiss Newspaper Tagesanzeiger published a fascinating interview with Evernote CEO Phil Libin in which he talked about the future of computers and how we will deal with it. Since a lot of aspects are directly related to what we do at dizmo, the article lead to an exciting discussion with […]

Beat the heat with dizmo – A solar panel arduino project

The last few days have been very hot, and it’s almost impossible to have your room cool enough to sleep or work! Here at dizmo, we have an interesting solution for that… a solar panel control for windows, powered by arduino and dizmo.     Parts needed: Arduino Ethernet or Arduino Uno + Ethernet Shield […]

Arduino gesture sensor tutorial

In this tutorial, we’ll hook up an gesture sensor to a dizmo; we’re going to use an Arduino and WebSockets. Parts needed Sparkfun APDS-9660 Gesture Sensor Arduino Ethernet Level converter Breadboard Jumper cables Serial to USB Adaptor: Electrical hookup Our sensor, the Avago APDS-9960, offers ambient light and color (as clear, red, green, and […]

How to create a to-do dizmo

To kick off this multi-part series, we will build a basic to-do dizmo, using the dizmoElements library and later Backbone.js. Getting started Start by creating a new dizmo project for your todo list with $ grace new Name your project ‘Todo’, choose ‘dizmo’ as your default plugin and ‘joose’ as your skeleton. Change into the […]

Dynamic Storytelling at Internet Briefing in Zürich

Alain Leclerc von Bonin, our Head of Design, was invited to speak about Dynamic Storytelling at the last Internet Briefing in Zurich. In light of this event, we snapped up opportunity to chat with him afterwards. In a nutshell: What was the content of your talk? My talk was about how to improve the relevance of […]

How to recreate the classic video game ‘Snake’ using dizmo

Recreate the game ‘Snake’ In this tutorial, we will recreate the classic video game ‘Snake’, using dizmo. Snake consists of the following three components: the field, the snake and the direction. The field The field is a two dimensional array (18×18). A ‘1’ indicates a wall and ‘0’ indicates empty space. The actual field is […]

Add smart lists to your dizmos

The dizmoElements library includes a new element. You can now use the List element to easily add ordered or unordered lists with scrollbars to your dizmos. Here is an example of a static list. Define the list and it’s content in index.html: <div id=”my-list” class=”list no-dizmo-drag” data-type=”dizmo-list”> <ul> <li>Take out trash</li> <li>Wash dishes</li> <li>Walk the […]